Sunday, January 3, 2016

Life in the New Year

So life isn't much different in the new year. The one execption is writing the date, but I haven't botched that one yet. We are happy to report good, but chilly weather and lots more time outside back on the trails. Things are normalizing on the homefront in good ways. Our craziness is tempering, but the energy still remains, thank goodness for something called patience and sanity that still work. 

Getting outside in the cold, she hiked three miles that day, and if it's sunny, it's still beach weather in her book. 

When it's indoor time, we make use of books in all forms. Our goal was to make a stack of books taller than Pyper, which we succeeded in our fifth attempt. A feat we could not have done without library books as our collection apparently isn't a yard long. (Sharon: No books were harmed)

Sisterly love is apparent as they laugh and cry together through the days. Love these girls!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Day

We held Christmas Eve dinner at our house, just like last year. This is the one holiday where folks flock out of town and whoever is left comes over. Good for us since it means a small crowd to cater too. It was more than a success even though I was a bit stressed. Once I get the hostessing thing down, I'm sure it will be easier. Since we have traveled so much of our lives we have always been the guests, it's going to get some getting used to having guests. 

Dinner and our funny Santa photo. 

Christmas day, enjoying her organic candy cane and super excited Santa brought an orange, both eats are our Christmas morning treats. 

She also got bubble bath, Epsom salts, toothpaste, soup, scotch tape, chapstick, watercolor postcards, water colors, shoes, and play scarves. Utilitarian, yes, but she was the most excited about the candy cane I think. 

A successful Christmas! Let's do it again next year! We love the magic of the season and the joy that it brings. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Show Girl

One thing that Pyper loves is performances. She really wants to be in them, so the passion is there. So we are going to as many kid friendly performances so she can see what it is all about. If she's still interested, there's a performing arts class she can start going to next year. It's so great that she is so passionate about being in front of a crowd. 

Us at Storybook Theatre watching  "Elves and the Toymaker" She's still quoting the show...

Then there are the random performances that happen because a band is playing. She assesses the scene then starts dancing.
This group is performing Hanukkah songs, she decided she would "perform". This is the first time she faced the audience and not the band. 

She danced until there was a fight between her and another boy. But it ended well with holding hands. For now that seems like a good innocent solution. 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Neah's Hair

Lately everyone in the family wants to cut hair, mostly Pyper's, but now Neah is in the boat. Pyper of course can speak for herself and says she won't cut it till she is 18 so it will be as long as Rapunzel's. She has yet to cut her hair. 

Neah's is just so darn cute just the way it is in all its glory. I have finally figured out who she takes after, Auntie Sharon! 

One of these days I'll take a photo after a wash, it all sticks up like a hedgehog then. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Snowflake Lane

Bellevue has become quite the place as a shopping destination. As if they needed another lure, Snowflake Lane puts a little Disney-like Magic into our lives for a half hour with winter princesses, elves, drummers, dancing belles, and real snow every night from Thanksgiving to New Year's. We first enjoyed the show last year, and now are going strong in year two. The only concern Pyper had was whether or not she would receive a candy cane sucker again. Funny the things a kid remembers. 

With all the rain past, and rain future, I think everyone had the same idea tonight because the streets were packed like it was the weekend before Christmas. Last year we had lots of elbow room, this year we had to man our spot with our pointy elbows and pointy words. It was a successful evening of easy parking and exiting, and good cheer from Pyper. We can't ask for anything else!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Holidaying Around

Two shows in one day! The first was her gymnastics' show, Winterfest, where Pyper performed to "Let it Snow". It was her first official performance which was as cute as one might think. She remembered most of the moves, it was so cute too because her friend Hope is in the class. 

She's been dying to perform and didn't seem shy or anything. It was so much fun seeing her do her thing. 

Next we went to the Nutcracker. This whole season we've been hearing, "I want to be in the Nutcracker, not watch it!" Maybe when we don't have a newborn and she understands time commitment to rehearsals and shows for herself as well as her parents. But the studio she does ballet at performs a kid version that is one hour and we were able to commit to that this year. 

With Grandma Cora, the Nutcracker, Clara, and another dancer. 

We also did the Garden D'Lites at the botanical garden a couple of nights ago. 

We have one more holiday production and a visit to Snowflake Lane, and then we can call it a year! This girl loves her shows!!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Andy's 37 Years Old!

We all woke up early, and at the suggestion of a three year old we made chocolate pudding, which was followed by making chocolate cupcakes. Both events had birthday singing and candles, and it's only 9:30am. I guess we have succeeded in making it a day to remember regardless if we do anything else. 

For lunch Pyper drove us to grab some pizza! Watch out world!